A warm return.

So after being off the grid for far too long, our actual play parts have returned and with it we have once again breached the top 200 for top podcasts in the Games & Hobbies category. As always I can’t help but say thanks to all the fans. I will make it my goal to keep putting out quality episodes, so just stick with us as we will only get better with time.

Back up and running!

So after several weeks of fighting with complications I have finally managed to get us back up and running once again! We will not have any further problems in the future as I have switched to a more stable and easy to manage host for my files. I apologize for the delay between episodes, it seems like this podcast was being stalked by some nasty Bug spirits or something. With them out of the way though we are able to keep on moving forward. With that said I am also going to be releasing new episodes on a bi-weekly scale. With my work and other podcasts starting to pile up on me I do not think I can edit and produce a new episode every week. I will also be working to better the format of the episodes. I have been playing around with stuff on my other podcasts and have started implementing things that will make for a more enjoyable listen.

So on behalf of all of us here at Geek the Mage Podcast, I say welcome to the dawn of a new age. Cue awesome guitar solo proceeded by vicious bass drops!